
Through our headquarters in New York, San Francisco, Brussels, Paris, and Beijing, and an international community of over 250,000 industry professionals, we assemble a platform for members to connect, share best practices, identify business opportunities, and stay ahead of the market. Each of our offices hosts weekly roundtable events both onsite and online to facilitate face-to-face networking and online collaboration with expert panels of industry leaders. We also hold large-scale international conferences and launch innovative ventures and projects to drive emerging markets for sustainability, such as our Energy Storage Initiative for building owners in NYC.

It is through these weekly roundtable discussions that we source real-time, on-the-ground business intelligence from industry leaders and policymakers who live these markets every day. We integrate these insights with external data, research, and analysis to produce our Industry Insights reports - comprehensive but fast-moving 20-40 page reports on a diverse range of topics within each of our communities (Solar, Wind, Smart Grid, Green Buildings, Corporate Sustainability, and more). Each Industry Insights report covers between 1-4 AGRION roundtables, and include as part of the package the featuring of promising technologies, solutions, and programs of interest; the related roundtable transcripts; and Industry Snapshots, 4-6 page summaries of the key highlights of the roundtables covered in that report. Industry Snapshots and roundtable transcripts are also available as standalone purchases. For more detail, please read about our reports.