About |
Alive & Green was founded by a group of like-minded individuals inspired by a healthy, peaceful lifestyle who seek to positively influence their world. We embrace a green, eco-friendly lifestyle with an emphasis on natural, organic foods. As a group, we felt we should take steps to make a difference and extend our philosophy to the world.
We are a truly international company, with a mix of American and Canadian partners. Hence Alive & Green has offices in Montreal and warehouses scattered in the continental US. Our products are exclusively American, although some of the administartive works happens in Montreal.
Our main goals are two-fold. Firstly, we wish to provide a hub for green living, environmentally friendly information through our blog. Secondly, we offer thousands of eco-friendly and organic products at wholesale prices directly to your doorstep. We strive to offer the easiest, safest and most affordable shopping experience on the Internet.
Our objective is to establish meaningful, lasting relationships with like-minded individuals, bloggers and anyone who embraces a green, eco-friendly lifestyle. We would be thrilled and proud to see you join us on this exciting journey.