
Since before its inception, allFX-Consult had one core element, one goal. To revolutionize the way forex firms handle their in-house sales and operations. Why? Because sales equals income while everything else is an expense.

Without a product that can be sold, a system that collects the needed client information and generates the correct reports, strong retention tools to extend life expectancy of a client and overall policies and procedures that promote a fast-complete sales cycle, even the best sales people took out of forex competitors won't do much.

allFX-Consult at a glance:

- Structure and/or restructure of forex sales and operations departments.
- Complete sales trainings on your sales Team; don't have one? we'll start one from scratch.
- Amend policies and procedures to support sales efforts; end goal? maximum return on any and all resources.
- Institutional Introducer - with dozens of deals in our portfolio.
- Introducing Broker for traders looking for reliability, best execution policies, a powerful broker.

Initial consultation is free, and with almost a decade of hands on forex experience there is always something to discuss, thus we welcome any type of broker, start up, white label or established, to trade their challenges with solutions.

Please visit www.allfx-consult.com for more information or send us an email at info@allfx-consult.com.