
The All-Purpose Guru Home contains occasional posts about writing and iinks to three other blogs, David Guion's online writings, and his distinguished and internationally recognized musicological writings in print, including two books on the trombone and numerous articles in refereed journals. It also links to The All-Purpose Guru Alert, a sale-a-day site featuring books carefully selected to complement the subjects of his writings.

The All-Purpose Guru, the original blog, is now largely limited to libraries and sustainability.

Grace and Judgment features Bible devotionals, dedicated to the proposition that God judges sin, but that judgment always leads to grace and the offer of total forgiveness.

Musicology for Everyone mostly concerns classical music, with some forays into jazz and popular culture (contemporary and long past). The posts are aimed at music lovers who appreciate accurate information but do not want to deal with the stuffiness of academic prose.

On other sites, Guion has written of these subjects plus education, career planning, fitness, food, gardening, his goofy pet dogs, etc.