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Amanora qualifies as the first township as per the guidelines of the Government of Maharashtra. It involves the developer creating and maintaining the entire infrastructure of the township.
The Government of Maharashtra has laid down a charter to qualify what defines a special “township”, which is as follows:
• It must have a continuous land parcel of 100 acres, at the minimum
• It must make available abundant clean water supply, 24X7
• It must ensure reliable power infrastructure
• 60% of the area shall be used for pure residential purposes, and at least 20% as parks, gardens and playgrounds
• It must be well-knit by roads ranging from 30 ft to 80 ft
• Environmentally speaking, a special township ensures care of the
existing ecological systems, rainwater harvesting systems, and efficient waste management systems
• It must have schools, college, hospital, fire station on the premises
• It needs clearances from a multitude of Government bodies
• It offers a 50% waiver benefit on stamp duty
Amanora is first township, which qualifies all the norms lead by Government of Maharashtra in the Township policy.