
amoCRM.com is the premier provider of Hosted CRM's on the market today, utilizing the latest in Cloud Computing technology for small to medium-sized businesses in B2B industries. We have one of the simplest systems on the market to navigate, that was accomplished by only including those features that you need to increase your customer conversion and retention rates, as well as increase your Return on Investment, or ROI.

By only including those features that you really need to be successful, we managed to avoid the "Feature Heavy" title that most of our competition has received. We have a system so simple to navigate, that even the most un-tech-savvy person in the office will be breezing through it within minutes.

However, amoCRM is much more than a CRM, it is a sales management tool also. Use the reports, and dashboard feature to monitor all activities that have taken place over a designated time-frame, in the sales department. See everything that happened that day without actually being present for every interaction.

amoCRM also uses its "Tasks" feature to act as a project management tool. Assign tasks, and goals to your employees and monitor their progress through "Status Updates," and notes they have included. Make sure everything is completed on-time through e-mail reminders of up-coming and important deadlines or meetings.

Through use of a hosted system, amoCRM creates a seamless flow of knowledge among your employees and customers. Now any employee with access to the system can help any lead or customer. By opening up their file, the employee can see all past interactions this customer has had with your company, what was discussed the last time they called, and any promises that were made to them for the future. Now your customers can have the attention that keeps them coming back to you exclusively, because they feel comfortable and trust you and your company.

Right now, amoCRM.com is offering a free 30 day trial, no risks or obligations. They do not even take any credit card or other payment information. Simply log on to www.amoCRM.com today, and click the "Try it for free" button, and within minutes, you will be on our hosted system, that allows access from anywhere theres an internet connection. After the 30day trial is up, should you wish to continue with amoCRM, we have month-to-month payments, with paid packages starting at just $10 a month. We know there are many CRM's out there, and appreciate you showing interest in ours. Have a great day, and we hope to see or hear back from you soon.