
We offer a range of naming and analysis services to identify the brand name that best fits your needs.

We work directly with marketing and product management teams and also subcontract to naming and branding companies who require linguistic services to assist their creative process.

We specialize in creating global brand names with a cross-linguistic profile that conveys a positive, product-relevant message in multiple markets while being easy to say and read. We provide a cross-linguistic perception analysis of your name to ensure the success of your brand or product launch, or the introduction of an existing name into new markets. We can advise you on how to adapt your name and branding strategy to other writing systems, such as Hanzi 汉字 (Chinese), Cyrillic Кириллица (Russian), Arabic script ‎أبجدية عربية‎, Devanagari देवनागरी  (Hindi), and Hangul 한글 (Korean). If your name is failing to convey your product message, either domestically or internationally, we can help you adapt your name or branding strategy to convey positive, relevant messages.

Our expertise in linguistics allows us to leverage the innate properties of languages to develop names that are effective in all of your target languages and markets.  Our scientific methods ensure reliable, insightful results.

We have developed the unique strategy of selective naming, which combines human expertise with artificial intelligence and the latest findings in cognitive science to deliver international names. Our name creation and evaluation services are supported by NameLogic, our proprietary software leveraging the linguistic properties of more than 50 languages and dialects in more than 150 countries, representing nearly four billion speakers worldwide.

Our NameLogic suite of software models cognitive processes to create and evaluate brand names.  We leverage the innate properties of language to identify the meanings and connotations of a brand name in multiple languages simultaneously. The NameCreate module aligns your brand identity with the languages and dialects spoken in your target markets to develop a name that resonates in all relevant cultures.
NameEvaluate determines the associations and connotations a brand name triggers in each of your target cultures.  Our expert consultants provide additional insight into how a name will be perceived.  Analytic Branding can also give recommendations on how to structure your marketing campaign to ensure that the right message is conveyed.