
An Angel Whispered is an inspiring new book on happiness, that combines heavenly wisdom with down-to-earth advice.

In the book, the answers to our questions about life, like why we are here and why things happen, are revealed through an engaging conversation between an angel and a seeker. When our questions are answered, our minds can become peaceful, which is the first step to creating happiness within. Then, once our minds are at peace, we need to learn how to bring love back into our hearts. This is done through the practice of happiness, which begins with ‘H – Have the Right Thoughts’ and ends with ‘S – Soar with Gratitude’. (Also includes: ‘P – Possess Self-Respect, Not Ego’, ‘P – Prefer No One, Love All’...)

Happiness is an essential ingredient for human life. When we learn how to create happiness within, it enables us to live our best life, because we stop putting demands on others to provide for our happiness. When we are happy, we automatically share this happiness with others – it cannot be contained. And then we realise that when we change, the world changes.

The book is written in an engaging way, blending poetry and prose and is based on universal truths, of peace and love and happiness, which would be of interest to people of all faiths, backgrounds and ages. It is also based on classes I have taken from Sister Gizi Pruthi of the Brahma Kumaris, so it is practical, down-to-earth, and would appeal to the masses. (i.e. not based on conversations with real angels.)