About |
Since 1999, Rebecca Antonelli has hosted dozens of Meet the New Media events. The Meet the New Media forum provided our business community the opportunity to make valuable media contacts and learn how to create publicity for their company.
These forums resulted in thousands of contacts and hundreds of news stories from the dozens of Meet the Media panelists. These producers, editors, journalists, anchors and reporters offered the audience practical strategies and refreshing perspectives on media relations and, in many occasions, listened to and reported on the these stories.
The Meet the NEW Media forum provides the business community the opportunity to make valuable media contacts and learn how to create publicity for their company through traditional media interaction and creative strategies to engage, monitor and communicate utilizing the social networking movement.
How do you win business in today’s times? RECOGNITION.
But no one has time to write news releases, meet with reporters or find out what stories reporters are working on. Most don’t, anyway. That’s where Meet the New Media comes in. Rebecca Antonelli has more than 25 years of experience in marketing communications and has hosted Meet the Media events in the Triangle for over a decade that have led to1000s of stories in the paper, magazines and on the news about formerly unknown people and businesses.
Rebecca helps leaders like you win recognition and influence by attending Meet the New Media.
For more information, contact Rebecca Antonelli at 919-740-3008