
My name is Alin, I am a mom and a technologist and I try to provide my kids with as much Home-made Jewish Education as possible. As a mother of two, it was important for me to bring them up with an understanding and attachment to the Jewish tradition. I found it challenging to find one place that provided all tools to help me provide my kids with that holistic experience. Specifically, I didn't find anything interactive and engaging, that could be experienced as a family together, and so I decided to develop my own that could be shared by other moms.

We are now a group of 3 moms from Hoboken and Tenefly who have gathered to provide Jewish parents with an interactive tool to help them teach their youngs about Jewish Holidays, and specifically now, Chanukah, and with great emphasis on Hebrew Language.


Appy Holidays launched a new, content rich and comprehensive iPad application that offers teaching our youngsters all about Chanukah, called Appy Chanukah. The application is focused on teaching kids ages 2-8 about the Festival of Lights, with great focus on Hebrew language and songs
The application allows kids to:

* Learn about the Chanukah story and tradition using eBook and a reading comprehension quiz
* Understand, pronounce, read and write key words in Hebrew that relate to Chanukah
* Sing Chanukah songs such as Mi Yemalel and Maoz Tzur and share on email, Facebook or YouTube
* Play interactive games such as light a menorah, Chanukah Puzzle
* Send a personalized greeting card to family and friends on email or Facebook  

Here's a 1 min video that showcases all the above.

I would be more than happy to take you through the application or send you a coupon, and if you find the story and app interesting and useful, we’ would be delighted if you can write about it and us.