
Received a Missed Call or Unknown Number?

If you have a missed call or a phone call from a number you don't recognize, the reverse phone lookup website Look Who Called, will provide you the location and name of the person who called by doing a reverse phone lookup, even if the call was from a cell phone or unlisted number.

In addition to the reverse phone search directory, the website contains articles about how to stop prank calls and how to conduct a reverse phone lookup.

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Area Code List

City Phone Directories
Akron, Ohio
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Atlanta, Georgia
Austin, Texas
Baltimore, Maryland
Boise, Idaho
Boston, Massachusetts
Charlotte, North Carolina
Chicago, Illinois
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dallas, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Des Moines, Iowa
Detroit, Michigan
El Paso, Texas
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Hartford, Connecticut
Houston, Texas
Jacksonville, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
Los Angeles, California
Louisville, Kentucky
Miami, Florida
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York City, New York