
Based in Dunoon, Argyll - the UK Leaders in Lone Worker Care and Protection, provides Lone Worker services to a variety of clients throughout the UK. Formed in 1998 the company has 12 years experience in the provision of Lone Worker safety solutions and provides it's accredited service to almost 30, 000 subscribers.

Argyll's award winning Communicare risk management and telecare solution is simple to use and operate. Modular by design, it discreetly monitors the day-to-day health, safety and wellbeing of vulnerable individuals and lone workers. This is achieved by managing identified risks and empowering users with a simple facility to update daily activities; monitoring their geographic location using passive and active technologies and indicate in real-time where higher risk activities are being undertaken.

Communicare can ensure a users safety on completion of every task and enables users to summon urgent assistance from colleagues, friends or emergency services if the situation arises.

The service may be used on a mobile phone, PDA or Blackberry or with one of Argyll's approved lone worker device such as Smartcare, Identicare, Maxcare or Qlinq.

Argyll's expanding UK wide customer base includes HMCS (Her Majesty's Court Service), Marie Curie Cancer Care, NHS, Balfour Beattie, CAPITA, Miller Homes, Metropolitan Housing Partnership, Brent Housing Partnership and many local authorities including Enfield Council, Liverpool City Council and Carmarthenshire County Council.

Argyll is a member of BSIA (British Security Industry Association), SSAIB (Security Systems and Alarm Inspections Board), TSA (Telecare Services Association the SFHA (Scottish Federation of Housing Associations) and has ‘Secured by Design’ accreditation awarded by ACPOS.