
The yellow page service is localize service and it is important for consumers event most services are online.
There are more than 1M small companies in Taiwan and most of these companies with less than 10 employees.
The biggest yellow page service in Taiwan is hosted by Hinet corp which is a government unit.
When more and more companies face the incoming lost and new rapid growth competitors from internet.
They worry what they can to avoid this issue and try to provide their services/products to B2C or C2C e-commerces sites and try to obtain consumers or suppliers back.
But e-commerce and yellow pages are different target consumers.
In Taiwan/Asia, consumers like to buy 3c, clothes and books online but suppliers/merchants won't.
All B2C platform in Taiwan charge 30% service fees and no grant to sale merchants' products services and huge setup fee.
If small companies need to build a online shopping store, they need to hire many folks including IT, designer, planner, marketing and sales and nobody know what their investment can be balanced.
Otherwise, there are huge traffics/users in those social network, blog and content farms sites.
Most small companies have no more budgests or resources to invest so many new and flexible media networks.

How to solve this problem?
As a small company chief executive officer of my company, I face many troubles to figure out these problems and solutions to solve these requests. There are many pain points when my company using internet for my business.

What I can?
It's lucky that I have enough resources and domain know-how to develop a new platform for those small companies as mine.
I integrate yellow page, social network, blog, e-commerce functions all in one and all free for small companies.

What I expect?
I wish that all small companies can still focus on their business/products and deliver best products or services to consumers without working about e-commerce, social network and internet new tools.
They should focus on their core products/services since it's the most important thing for their companies to survive in competitive markets and countries.

Now, It's so lucky that I can announce our new yellow page for Asia markets is launched today.
Right now, it only supported Traditional Chinese and it's easy to support multi-langes when we launch it to more countries.

Thank you guys who see this announce and welcome to visit our platform and give us feedback to help us better.
Thanks a lot.

David Lin
Chief Executive Officer.