
The Wild Adventures of Bebop Fuzz is an animated comedy/adventure, created by Tim Scott, about a cat that was born with 8 of 9 lives missing. He strives to make the most of the one life he has in this innovative and inspiring series.

Everything that can be, will be filmed in 3D with models, then it will be animated in post-production. Examples of what this looks like can be found on Kickstarter: http://tunyurl.com/bebopfuzz

It has been endorsed by Peter Lawrence, Lloyd Sherr and others.

"Bebop Fuzz combines its novelty, its freshness, with a coherent, fun premise which will connect with the audience."
- Peter Lawrence, leading US and European animation writer best known for his work as story editor and show runner on ThunderCats, SilverHawks, Comic Strip, Peter Pan & The Pirates, Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Further Adventures of T-Rex, Dennis & Gnasher, and Sabrina.

"Bebop Fuzz looks to be a hoot. Intrepid! Adorable, witty and above all…a Kitty! Couldn't be more timely."
-Lloyd Sherr is a Voice Artist, best known as the narrator of Modern Marvels for History but also as Jibolba in the animated Nick series "Tak and the Power of Juju," Everett in "Back at the Barnyard" and Fillmore the V.W. Bus in Pixar's "Cars 2."

The Kickstarter ends June 1st, 2014. http://tinyurl.com/bebopfuzz
