
Help towards launch of a studio space for music and creative workshops with young people and adults!

** UPDATE: The Arts Council England have agreed to give match 50% of their target (£2500) once we hit £2500 ! **

Bee Creative stems from our successful workshops by Sub-Woofah Records – providing workshops in music and creative arts to the people of Manchester, primarily focusing on young people.

Some of our workshops will be FREE - these will focus on those less privilaged, including young people and adults not in education, employment or training or those that make up less than 50% of the industry but we will also be offering private workshops and training for anyone else looking to get into the music / creative industry or better their skills.

Our aim is to provide accessible workshops and training in music & creative arts lead by professionals sharing their very real and relevant industry skills and experiences

We have been investing time and money developing a collabortive studio space with Sub-Woofah, but we need your help to raise £5000 to kick start the development of a space suitable for delivering workshops to young people as well as the creation of some pop up workshops throughout Manchester.

But we’re not just asking for your quids! If you’d like to donate equipment, furniture, your skills or simply some time to the project – you can really make a difference.

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We are a registered Community Interest Company (Company registration number: 10663484)

"A community interest company (CIC) is a new type of company introduced by the United Kingdom government in 2005 under the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good."

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Who are we?

BeeCreative stems from a workshop project run by the owners of Sub-Woofah; Manchester based record label and event promotion company. Music Technology teacher, youth worker and entrepreneur Nikki Crowley has been running Sub-Woofah Records and events since 2009 and is passionate about teaching young people, music and media and business. Along with business partner Daniel Tonge - an audio engineer and trainee teacher - and Jasmin Tudor - a support worker for children's services - they have combined business, creative arts and education to benefit the local community and thriving local creative industry by forming 'Bee Creative MCR CIC'

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So pledge as little as £1 now, share and comment to contribute and make a difference!