
Oct 02, 2009 – Innovative Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning Solutions Provided Through Pick-up and Delivery

Montclair, NJ. – October 2, 2009: These days, who has the time with all the hustle and bustle of their busy lives to do little things like dropping off and picking up dry cleaning and laundry.  Well, say no more because Better Living Cleaners will save you time & Money by doing it for you.  

Better Living Cleaners aims to be the leading provider of Eco-Friendly dry cleaning and laundry delivery services based in Montclair, NJ. Today announces its business expansion to the Essex County area and surrounding parts.

“Better Living Cleaners offers a free pick and delivery service where people who use the service can expect to pay the same or less than their local dry cleaner and the service is extremely convenient”, said owner and manager Andre Wheatley.

“Most people don’t realize it but it costs less to have a driver and a van (even at two and a half bucks a gallon) than having a store”, Andre said.   “In fact, I’m less than quite a few dry cleaners in town and my quality is second to none.”

The convenience factor is the main reason why he continues to attract customers.  He checks with his customers twice a week for any dry cleaning they may have and offers next day delivery for those who require emergency service. Better Living Cleaners service includes a reminder call the night before by phone, text, email or even instant message.   To limit paper waste, statements are emailed, and hangers are recycled; to name just a few innovative ways that this company is different.

Better Living Cleaners is also taking advantage of social networking like no other dry cleaning by advertising specials on facebook, twitter, and linked in.  

“The idea for this business came to me when I realized there was an opening in the marketplace for a dry cleaner that comes to the customer’s homes for pick-up and delivery. Better Living Cleaners offers incentives included in the services as well, such as 20% off your first load and 40% off for referring your neighbors,” said Andre Wheatley, owner and manager at Better Living Cleaners.

In addition to their offsite (non retail) location Better Living Cleaners has several wholesale agreements with other dry cleaners, tailors, and suede and rug cleaners for any customer’s needs allowing them grow rapidly while still maintaining competitive prices and top notch customer service.

“I am excited and anxious to start providing my services to the Montclair area,” said Andre Wheatley. “It is important that people realize I do not run an ordinary dry cleaning service.  My Customers get my full undivided attention; I pride myself on being reliable and convenient.”

“When I first got the green bag and advertising flyer I thought that the prices must be higher to cover the pick-up and delivery as well as the free items. I was wrong, the prices are the same and the service is amazing,” said Kenneth Younger, Dry Cleaning customer.

About Better Living Cleaners:
Located in Montclair, NJ. Better Living Cleaners provides innovative solutions for its customer’s dry cleaning and laundering needs. Quality service is something the company prides itself on and they are willing to go the extra mile to make sure it’s customers are satisfied. For more information about the company and the services it provides, visit www.BetterLivingCleaners.com  or call  877 Valet-41  (825-3841) for free information 24-hours a day 7 days a week or email contact@betterlivingcleaners.com