About |
An old story says: if you want to help a poor man, learn him to fish rather to give him fish, in this way he will have food for the rest of his life. The message of this story becomes the goal of Be You organization which focuses on the development of self-confidence of youth who being at the beginning of their life are poor in experience.
Be You is an apolitical, nongovernmental and non-profit organization which is addressed to youth and support the personal development of them through art, culture, history, sport and creativity. Be You is open to everyone who wants to participate actively to achieve our goal.
Be You promotes intercultural youth exchanges, organizes trainings, workshops, seminars, camps, trips, informal and non-formal learning programs, cultural activities, sport activities, voluntary (with implication of European Voluntary Service), traveling programs, also Be You represents a place where youth could/can express freely their opinion concerning the local, national and international events.
A man with self-confidence is an active citizen, who is involved in the social process. Starting from this creed/belief, Be You wants to strengthen the self-confidence of each participant, that they could choose the suitable activity having a good start in their life. Regarding our goal we offer an official space for youth activities and each suggestion, any idea of a program, action or activity is welcome and being sustained by us if follows our mission.
The activities carried out by Be You are based on projects. Each project has its own team made up by the members of the organization and persons who came up with the idea for the project. The ideas which match with our purpose will get the necessary information and will be supported for implementation. The next step is to look for resources to finance the project. Once found the resources the idea can be promoted.
Briefly the goal of Be You is:
To implicate the youth in non-formal education on a variety of topics through national and international projects organization;
Workshops, seminars, trainings, camps, volunteering, festivals and other activities;
To support and encourage the creativity of youth to/for become active citizens of the actual society;
To promote and implement the principles of non-formal education, learning through experience and cultural learning;
The development of the civil society and encouraging the active participation of youth in the social process;
To implement activities which support and promote the human and children rights;
The social integration and support of youth with fewer opportunities;
To support the youth to choose the suitable form of education in order to develop a carrier and to obtain financial independence;
Organizing leisure time activities for youth;
Promoting volunteerism among youth;
To support the international cooperation between youth from Romania and European Union and not only.
Be You organization offers activities where each young could find himself, to participate with pleasure and the most important thing……To reach self-confidence.
Be you, believe in yourself!