
How well do you know the Bible? Bible or Not! ® is a popular Bible quiz game and blog dedicated to famous quotes from the Bible, historical figures, movies, books, literature, songs and anywhere else. Test your knowledge of the Bible, play the game on the web or on your mobile device, share your thoughts and feedback, compete and share with family, friends and others.

On our blog we share quotes, opinion, inspirational thoughts and provide fun games and applications for good and wholesome fun. And we encourage our visitors to posts comments and submit famous quotes of their own.

Play Bible or Not! ® online with our free interactive online game. See how many "Bible or Not" quotes you get right. Each quote has a value based upon the level of difficulty. Challenge yourself or play against your friends.

Bible or Not! ® is also available as a Bible trivia board game. Make your way from the Garden of Eden to Heaven. Along the way you will have answered prayers, trials, and miracles. And, beware the peril of the Fire Pit! The first one who gets to Heaven wins! This fun Christian game is for up to 8 players, but 2 to 4 teams recommended. Ages 10 and up.

Both the online Bible trivia game and the Bible or Not! ® board game are great for get togethers, parties, Sunday school and other gatherings.