
In searching for a teardrop camper, we found that they are expensive and small. The typical teardrop camper is based on a 4' x 8' trailer and 4' x 8' plywood. What that means is you end up with a small sleeping area and very little cabin height. Since our design engineer is tall, he found that size to be claustrophobic. Also, the lack of headroom restricted the amount of interior cabinet space and mattress size. That just wasn't acceptable. So, we searched for plans to build our own teardrop camper.

We found several plans listed on line and ended up buying a set of plans which would provide for a 5' x 10' trailer but was still based on readily available 4' x 8' plywood (i.e., only a 4' high cabin). So, we set out to design a spacious teardrop camper that would use a 5 'x 10' trailer and a 5' high cabin. We were able to readily find 5' x 10' x 3/4" plywood for the camper sidewalls, which also works nicely with the 5' x 5' x 18mm, 6mm, and 3mm Baltic Birch plywood used for the interior cabinetry and paneling.

We also found other plans to be lacking in specifics, pictures, or both. So, as we designed and built our own teardrop camper, we made sure to document the work with pictures and list the actual tools, materials, and processes used. We also went to the extent of laying out the plans for the teardrop camper using a free computer aided design (CAD) program, which we tell you how to download. These plans include the electronic files so you can see the dimensions and placement of all components. We have also provided files that show the layout of cuts on the wood used so you can minimize waste. As with all CAD drawings, there is likely to be small differences between what is called "as drawn" and "as built." So, as you build your camper, measure and re-measure what dimensions you actually need. In the end, you will have all the information you need to build a Teardrop Camper just like we did or modify it to meet your needs.

If the thought of using a CAD program scares you, don't be. We have also included all the drawings in two-dimensions as PDF and XPS documents.  So, as long as you have a Mac or PC computer, you can open all the files you need to build your big teardrop camper.