
BipTunia is former Warner Brothers artist Michael W. Dean (singer / bass player in Bomb) with a new record of pop / rock / industrial / ambient / trip-hop.

Unlike a lot of electronic music, this has melody and structure, won’t hurt your ears (even loud), and you’ll be humming it later. Basically it’s heavy as heck AND radio friendly.

BipTunia is based in Wyoming, yet exists everywhere.

Sometimes BipTunia also includes spoken word by Phil Wormuth. He runs the JipProd word gang in rural Maine. He and Michael went to college together in the cold war in the Rust Belt of America. They tried making this music back then, but the technology had to catch up.

When BipTunia has Phil Wormuth, the project is lovingly referred to as PhilTunia.

BipTunia music mood: Darkly cheerful.

Influences: Gary Numan, Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, Frank Zappa, Robert Fripp, Blondie, Kraftwerk, and Dead Kennedys.

BipTunia styles: TripHop / Rock / Pop / Glam / Industrial / Ambient / Jazz / Space

“Nice. I am loving it. It’s dark. Like a punk rock & synth Leonard Cohen.”
–Derrick J. Freeman, co-owner, Free State Bitcoin Shoppe

“This album is proof positive that we are not alone in the universe, that someone (or thing) is taking our calls…and listening.

“The sound is of cosmic cats stopping by to use the earthly litter box, trample our truffles, and share some sage advice (namely that the enemy is us – it’s in our blood on the floor) before departing for home to Alpha-Centauri.

“If you listen between the lines, these cats are purring pure philosophy and polemic poetry. But you can also dance to it.”
–Sid Cusk, the Cusk Agency