
Over the last 10 years, we – the founders of Blue Hill Fine Arts (BHFA) – have met hundreds of outstanding artists in China and have been impressed with their unique perspectives on contemporary fine art. Yet, what we have also discovered over time is that many of these artists lack the opportunity to share their creative works with those in the international community, particularly the United States. Overcoming language and cultural barriers, a lack of experience for exhibiting internationally, and conducting business outside of China have all created an opportunity we can fill.

Founded in the Boston, Massachusetts area in 2018, Blue Hill Fine Arts is focused on supporting and encouraging the global reach and expression of contemporary fine arts of talented Chinese artists through our online platform.

We have created the first platform in the United States solely dedicated to exhibiting and selling high-end original and unique artwork by Chinese painters.These contemporary painters, through their exceptional “Chinese lens”, produce works with a variety of materials and formats including watercolor, acrylic, oil, print, and calligraphy. Our unique platform also gives collectors an easy and trustworthy way to see, appreciate and purchase one-of-a-kind paintings that would normally be out of their reach.