About |
Bohena AB is a privately held Swedish company incorporated in 2001
as owned and operated by Sten-Anders Fellman
The company has a wide range of services, among them the following:
- General Agent in Europe for the Turn@bout adapter for pallet jacks http://www.turnabout.eu
- Distributor of suction dredgers for Do It Your Self (DIY) http://www.muddra.se
- Distributor of EasyFloat rafts and floating docks http://www.easyfloat.se
- Dealer of Round Saunas
- Distributor of R-A-M mounting system
- Nordic distributor of Flysynthesis Ultra Light aircrafts http://www.flyul.com
- Develops and sells alarm systems http://www.attendblue.com
- Offer business contacts between Scandinavia and Colombia http://www.escandinova.com
- Perform company reconstructions under the law on reorganization http://www.rekonstruktion.com
- Perform consulting assignments in management, economics and computer
- Photographer, specialty aerial photos, large image bank of photos from the Ă…land Islands link http://www.flyul.se/bildbank
- Investing in promising companies like http://www.scint-x.com/ http://www.shareflake.com and more
- See also http://www.saf.net for further information