
Founded in 2006, by Billie King Jr., Bow Tie Cigar Company is a private label cigar company.  Located in Belleville, IL, our primary focus is providing Bow Tie Cigar brand cigars, cigar packages and accessories to our customers at reasonable prices.  Currently, we focus our service attention on the Metro-East Illinois, St. Louis and the surrounding St. Louis areas.  However, our products are shipped to all domestic locations.

Elegance is found in the details.  
Our cigar packages are very tastefully designed.  They incorporate all the amenities necessary to give your event or celebration the added extra touch of sophistication and charm it deserves, while at the same time remaining exceptionally simplistic and economical.  Bow Tie Cigar packages are the perfect accompaniment for a multitude of occasions including:

•     Golf Outings
•     Holiday Parties
•     Corporate, Political, Organization and Club Events
•     Holiday Gift Giving
•     Travel Companions
•     Wedding Festivities
•     Graduation Commemorations
•     Newborn Celebrations
•     Any other event where cigar gifting is appropriate.

Bow Tie Cigar Company packages are also customizable with logos or limited “event details”.

Our slogan, “What color is your BOW TIE?” ™, was created by a close friend of ours.  Thanks C.M.J.!!!  Every Bow Tie Cigar wears the exact same Bow Tie Cigar band with one exception, its color.  The Bow Tie’s color differentiates one cigar line from another.  This strategy simplifies cigar identification for the cigar smoker, the most important person in this equation.  Our slogan is truly befitting of the concept behind Bow Tie Cigar Company.

In the near future, we plan to introduce Bow Tie Cigar Company to domestic retail markets, both regional and beyond.  This move will mark the company’s growth and the increased popularity of our cigar lines.  We look forward to this timeframe and hope that you will continue to support your local cigar merchants, by purchasing Bow Tie Cigar Company brand cigars.

In closing, we are extremely excited to introduce our company to the public.   Also, we look forward to playing a small part in celebrating the most important times in your lives.