About |
B&P Lamp Supply, established in 1952, is based in McMinnville, TN. The company has 30 employees and currently maintains a 150,000 square-foot warehouse of antique reproduction lamp supplies, fixtures and accessories, and is the largest supplier of such products in the world. The wholesale division (B&P Lamp Supply) and the retail division (Antique Lamp Supply) conduct a sizable portion of their business via mail-order catalog and on their respective websites. Both divisions have a reputation for craftsmanship, quality and authenticity, and are well-known throughout the retail industry. B&P Lamp Supply is now in its fourth generation of ownership and is managed by: Paul M. Barnes, President; Barry Barnes, Vice President; Michael Barnes, Vice President-Accounting; Gerald Hillis, Vice President-General Manager; Betty Hitchcock, Vice President-Treasurer; Jim Pierce, Vice President-Inventory and Henry Huang, Vice President-Purchasing. For more information, please visit http://bplampsupply.com and http://antiquelampsupply.com.