
Bullying Recovery’s mission is to help those who suffer from the long-term effects of bullying (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or C-PTSD) to find the help they so desperately need by providing media, materials and support through links to seek and receive the help needed to recover.

The vision of Bullying Recovery, LLC is to help create a future where people can seek and get the help needed to recover from bullying trauma and go on to lead productive lives and improve their self-esteem to find their authentic self.

Bullying Recovery was founded by Alan Eisenberg. He was born in 1968 and grew up in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia. He has had a successful career as a visual communications expert, web and video producer/programmer, eLearning multimedia developer, and writer. During his younger years from 6-14, he was bullied pretty bad, particularly during his years in Lexington, MA. While that ended long ago, He has found that the long-term effects of those important years do not leave us, but stay in our subconscious.

Alan Explains further in his own words:

"In doing extensive research to prepare this website, I have found that I am not alone and the long-term effects of bullying into adulthood are common issues. While I don’t harbor bad feelings about my life, I do find that there are certain aspects of my personality and reactions that I believe are due to the years of bullying I dealt with. I have worked through most of my issues and hope to help others overcome the effects of bullying in their lives. It is my dream to one day do this on a full-time basis as I find more and more I want to help others and try to have stricter laws and support programs created to beat the bullying issues in our schools and work.

In 2008, I started a blog called “Bullying Stories”, which became popular and spurred me on to begin this company, “Bullying Recovery, LLC”. I hope to engage those with the long-term effects of bullying and offer to guide them to help and services. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you will help support this important effort to make our world a better place."