1 - 12 British Columbia businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Escape the Pace
Escape the Pace is dedicated to helping stressed and busy people to relax, get creative, change careers, and live their best lives. Through coaching, articles, blogs, videos and the book, Tech-Free Vacations for Your Busy Life, solutions will be found.
Rogue Cannon Publishing
Tiana Warner is the author of the ICE MASSACRE trilogy. She is from British Columbia, Canada. Rogue Cannon Publishing is her independent publishing press based in Abbotsford, BC.
Dwayne Klassen Author
Dwayne Klassen is a success and empowerment coach for men, keynote speaker and he's the Author of his ground-breaking new book, The Remarkable Man-Champions To Women, Heroes To Children and Brothers To Each Other.
Jane Catherine Rozek
Books of Life is a small Publishing House in Kelowna, BC, Canada
Songdove Books
"Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey" follows Marilynn's journey as she learns to live with God as unseen Husband and Father in the home. It's about appropriating overly spiritualized Scriptural concepts to where life is lived every day.
Anita E. Viljoen
Anita E Viljoen is an author of Vampire / Paranormal novels. Feeders and its sequel Hybrid is now available for purchase directly from her publishing website: sbpra.com/anitaeviljoen.
Margreet Dietz
Margreet Dietz is an author, novelist and editor. Her nonfiction books include A Hundred Reasons to Run 100km, Running Shoes Are a Girl’s Best Friend and Powered From Within: Stories About Running & Triathlon. Her latest book is From my Mother, a novel.
Fine Art of Intention Feng Shui
Terri Perrin is an award-winning professional freelance writer, author and certified BTB Feng Shui Consultant based on Vancouver island, BC, Canada. Available for feng shui workshops, book signings consultations AND writing assignments!
Blue Heron Productions
Blue Heron Productions is M. J. Milne's outlet for her writings, screenplays, and artwork. It was established in 1985 and has since published stories and books that open the heart and inspire people to be as Spirit intended---a conscious being of light.
Love's True Home
Love's True Home sparkles with irreverent humor, timeless wisdom, insightful prose and eloquent poetry. Each passage provide succor from the trials & tribulations of everyday life, elevating every heart to worlds of adventure, love & spiritual freedom.
1889 Labs
1889 Labs is the brainchild of MCM, writer, programmer, and creator of the animated TV series “RollBots.” He writes and illustrates books for adults and children. Twenty titles are available at the 1889 Labs web site, http://1889.ca
The Guided Soul
Maricel Piercey is an author, freelance writer and certified alternative health practitioner who lives and operates her business The Guided Soul, on beautiful Vancouver Island, Canada.
For more information, please visit http://www.theguidedsoul.com
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