About |
We provide and encourage interest and education in the Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy (TFT) to both the professional and lay person, establishing standards of protocol and training in TFT.
Through our Thought Field Therapy Training Center, web sites and newsletter, we teach a highly effective, non-invasive, healthy self-help alternative to long-term, or drug related psychotherapy.
We strive to make TFT available to all, world-wide, helping to end much of the human suffering caused from traumas, stress and life's problems.
Our unique Voice Technology™ allows us to provide training support throughout the world.
Our web sites, training programs and newsletter, The Thought Field, promote public awareness, acceptance and understanding of the Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy as an important, safe and effective self-help tool.
Dr. Roger Callahan, our founder and developer, has a personal mission to achieve worldwide recognition, acceptance and use of Thought Field Therapy. Together, we continually strive to accomplish this mission through trainings, advertising, marketing, public relations and international charitable assistance.
We truly believe we can have a significant impact on the decrease of human suffering if everyone has these tools at their disposal.