About |
The DNA of electing the Peoples’ voice of empathy to replace the voices of greed is building and spreading! Our campaign has a certain, undeniable win in 2012 to be seated in California's Legislature after tripling the vote in the 2010 one-on-one rematch against 'the most corrupt legislator in California' from the 8.1% showing in 2008!
Declaring my my intent to file my declaration of intent, I'm running to a certain win for the 39th California Assembly seat in 2012 ! Green Jobs - Fully Funded Education for All - Quality of Life - Steady-state economy - 100% Renewable energy economy - Net-zero energy - Live the Green Values - Vote Green Party - Stop Payola Politics - Save Our Neighborhoods - Rights, not Raids - Relocalize water, energy, food, materials - Revitalize Tujunga-Pacoima Watershed
* Occupation: Architect/Community Organizer/Party County Councilmember
* Masters degree in Architecture, Texas A & M University with an Outpatient Healthcare Facility thesis.
* University of Washington at Seattle, Bachelors degree in Environmental Design and a Yearly Award for High Scholastic Achievement.
* Pioneered a mix of services as a building type: Diagnostic & Treatment Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers & MRI Facilities. Used day-lighting tech.
* Member of the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley Livable Communities Council. Coro Neighborhood Leadership Development Program Graduate 2003.
* Received an American Institute of Architects Innovative Cities award to the Panorama City Plan and 2005 Component Excellence Award.
* "Conflict Resolution Training-Mending Human Relations" sponsored by L.A. City Human Relations Commission, Nat'l Conference for Community and Justice.
Jack Lindblad drew over 22% of the vote for California's 39th State Assembly District seat in 2010, in a back-to-back contests and one-on-one rematch with the incumbent, expanding on the 8.1% of the vote in 2008, among the top showing for alternative parties. His award-winning sustainable urban design and architecture practice has a healthcare facility emphasis.
Lindblad campaigns on a Green-values platform for a carbon-neutral, relocalized, 100% renewable energy, steady state economy, basing development on bio-regional determinism, not developers. Jobs for everyone who needs one. Restoration of the California Dream for all students. Environmental Justice for all by insuring quality of life.
He will advance these moral imperatives in the Legislature to balance the budget, manage multiple collapses, mitigate and adapt to ecological collapse's worst catastrophes. A member of Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley Livable Communities Council, he has supported community grass-root efforts, forming neighborhood councils, co-authoring sustainable community plans, stopping gentrification, revitalizing the Tujunga-Pacoima Watershed, assisting in the 'No on B' win to provide unfettered solar power to stakeholders.
watch for the roll-over from the 2010 to the 2112 electoral effort: