
The company provides an online training and certification system for point of sale cashiers.  Cashiers in any retail store would benefit from the training and certification, especially supermarket cashiering jobs.

The cashier training is provided through the website http://pos-university.com with supporting websites of http://cashiertraining.biz, http://cashierjob.us, http://cashierduties.info as well as a Facebook and Twitter account.  The goal is to not only provide a standardized cashier training program but also links and resources to help someone become a better cashier overall.

Company is in four primary business development areas:
1. The development of a Patent Pending Anti-Fraud Identification System at the point of Sale.
2. The commericalization of SoftBill, an alternative extended payment solution for people with no credit or insurance.
3. The comericalization of POS University, a point-of-sale on-line cashier training site offering certification after completing 10 chapters and passing a final exam.
4. The development of Casino Acceptance and a patent pending kiosk that accepts donations for charities. The kiosks will be placed in casinos, airports, sports arenas and theme parks. Charities receive 80%; the company receives 20%.