
Barry Stuart Lee, Inc a New York Corporation since 1994, is now Creative Lees since a move to California in 2019. Creative Lees Inc is owner/operator of 4 websites: CheapAdAgency.com, an online advertising agency, Siteenstein.com, a creator of websites, Cheeper.info, home of the “Due Diligence” concept of getting ranked on the internet, and CheapAdvertisingGuy.com, a blog devoted to conveying the benefits of frugality in all matters concerning advertising and its PR function with free advertising and write ups. All four sites have been online since 2008, the year the economy suffered a major setback. Barry Lee, founder of Creative Lees Inc, created the “Cheap Philosophy” which guides the low price structure aimed at the small and medium size business model. This gives them the opportunity to compete with first class services usually afforded only by their competitor’s large company budgets. Barry Lee is known as Your One Man Advertising Department and has 50+ years of experience including employment on Madison Avenue and being the president of the now defunct Multi Media Advertising Group Inc, one of Long Island’s largest agencies and TV production facilities for over ten years.