
Checkered Hat is the tam o’shanter worn by James “Weather” Schweda as he explores the boundaries of interactive event production and design. It is our mission to combine technology, live performance, and guerilla marketing to create life-changing interactive event experiences. The face of entertainment is changing as new technologies allow us to truly break the fourth wall in new ways and to transcend the limitations of conventional entertainment environments. We here at Checkered Hat are dedicated to creating peak experiences.

Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist placed self-actualization at the peak of his hierarchy of needs. This self-actualization represents an individuals’ need to fulfill their potential. Psychologists generally agree that self-actualization, in reality, can be quite elusive. One of the keys to self-actualization is the peak experience. Peak experiences often occur in the lives of self-actualizing people and catalyze their ability to perceive, accept, understand, and enjoy the journey of life.

According to Maslow, peak experiences often include “wonder, awe, reverence, humility, surrender, and even worship before the greatness of the experience”, and reality is perceived with “truth, goodness, beauty, wholeness, aliveness, uniqueness, perfection, completion, justice, simplicity, richness, effortlessness, playfulness, self-sufficiency”. This is what we strive to create.

If you are looking to create a highly valued experience with an intensity of perception, depth of feeling, and a sense of significance that changes your attendees forever, you might be ready to work with us. We’re not your everyday, run-of-the-mill, production company. We create moments wherein people define themselves.

Are you ready to create something life-changing? Reach out and share your vision by email to james@checkeredhat.com

To learn more about James Schweda please look at jamesschweda.com.