
CollegeChemistryNotes.com is an all-in-one combined [lecture notes & textbook material] substitute that helps undergraduate general chemistry students instantly reduce their study time while increasing their lecture grade in the course.

CollegeChemistryNotes.com has received national recognition because it's "General Chemistry Notes" is the ONLY product written by actual chemistry professors that's designed to combine both a student's [lecture notes AND textbook materials] into one easy-to-read and easy-to-understand format. So STOP spending an hour per page trying to read your complicated textbook!

Additionally, "General Chemistry Notes" removes the largest distraction that every student faces during lecture: taking notes. Our Notes are the only complete set of undergraduate General Chemistry notes proven to be so effective that it has been featured in many education magazines and presented at hundreds of science education seminars throughout the United States. Prior to its release and distribution, the contents of "General Chemistry Notes" were used exclusively by the contributing authors while they were teaching their own General Chemistry courses at some of the top universities in the country.

The contributing professors of "General Chemistry Notes" noticed that regardless of which university they were teaching at, and regardless of which textbook they were using, their lecture notes never changed. This inspired the professors to develop and write "General Chemistry Notes." Now that the Notes are available to all undergraduate chemistry students, they are the only system of their kind to be labeled the "perfect companion to chemistry students who want perfect notes" by Student Group Tour Magazine.

95% of all general chemistry courses and general chemistry textbooks are the same!!  This fact is exemplified by the thousands of chemistry students from hundreds of different colleges throughout the U.S. who have used our Notes to earn "A" grades in their General Chemistry courses.

The enormous popularity of "General Chemistry Notes" would not be possible unless they were widely applicable to ANY undergraduate General Chemistry course and ANY college-level General Chemistry textbook. Go online and Google any university's General Chemistry course number (1st or 2nd semester - it doesn't matter) and examine the course syllabus. Invariably the syllabus will look almost identical to your own. This is why college transfer credit for General Chemistry is so freely granted to students who transfer from one educational institution to another.

Before "General Chemistry Notes" was written, we examined 87 undergraduate General Chemistry textbooks. We discovered that 94.8% of the chapters (and even the chapters' subtopics) were sequenced in exactly the same order. Although each "Section" in "General Chemistry Notes" corresponds to a specific chapter in your textbook, our "Sections" are written as easy-to-follow and easy-to-understand notes that are guaranteed to replace your in-lecture notes and textbook.

See for yourself if your chemistry textbook is on our "Textbook Compatibility List" by scrolling through the list of textbooks on our site. If your chemistry textbook is on this list, you will benefit immediately from General Chemistry Notes.

How quickly will students benefit from using "General Chemistry Notes?"  "General Chemistry Notes" instantly reduces the quantity of material that you must read, study, and learn by 34.7%.

One particular student (see Unpaid Testimonials) was studying chemistry an average of 10 hours/week, or 160 hours/semester, before he received "General Chemistry Notes" (He ordered the entire course). Immediately after purchasing our Notes, he was able to reduce his chemistry study-time to 3.5 hours/week, or 56 hours/semester, while earning better scores on his quizzes and midterm exams. How much money would you pay to save yourself 6.5 hours of studying per week without sacrificing your grade? If time is money, you will earn back your investment in a matter of days.

Most private tutors charge at least $20/hour for their chemistry tutoring services. What do you get for 2 hours of tutoring? You "may" experience an increased understanding of the few topics covered during that short amount of time. In sharp contrast, our Notes have a proven track record of:

a. decreasing the quantity of reading by 34.7% without sacrificing the quality and completeness of the material being studied.

b. eliminating note-taking during lecture which enables students to retain 10x the amount of lecture material.

c. combining both General Chemistry lecture notes and textbook topics into a single easy-to-read format such that paying for a private tutor will not be necessary.