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Our competitive advantages are our small and agile size, our ability to design efficient processes, our employment of intelligent tools, and our team dynamic.
Tempered by our ethical approach in a mostly unregulated environment, we continually seek out ways to effectively wield influence online. In more simple terms, we watch consumers very closely. We balance consumer privacy with the value of consumer data.
We strive for total client satisfaction in a dynamic and changing environment. This requires that we work closely with our clients and set appropriate expectations without breaching trust or taking advantage of those with whom we work. CHOICE is becoming a strong name in web design as a company that is fair, effective, and staffed by honest people.
As media channels converge on the internet, we are positioned to leverage this change and exponentially build audiences to deliver more influence. We are seeking opportunities to beat our competitors with shock and disruption with a manoeuvrist approach where our agility and our culture can be leveraged to maximum effect.