About |
Christine McGraw Life Business Coach Practice provides guides and encouragement so you get clarity and energy in your personal and business life. Our service helps answer the question – Who are you really? Want to you want? Through telephone sessions and emails, setting goals, removing obstacles and using an action plan program, we can help.
Along with defining, setting and tracking your goals, Time Management, Job and Careers, Personal Growth, Money and Finances, Self Esteem, Personal Organization, Relationships, Health and Fitness, Quality of Life, and Business Strategy are areas some of our individuals and business owners like to focus on; and, it's your life and we help you keep it moving.
We have reasonably priced programs and products designed to meet you where you are now. Your privacy is important, a contract, confidentiality agreement is required to begin sessions.
Evening hours available 7:00pm-10:00pm and we accept PayPal payments and U.S. Postal Money Orders.
We produce a quarterly "It's Your Life...Keep It Moving Newsletter to help you stay focus.