
Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc was founded by Cindy Terry in March of 2015 and became a 501(c)3 in November of 2015. Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. is a family outreach program. The purpose is to assist those families and indivduals in dire need of food, housing, clothing and needed medications. The outreach program also centers on assisting the elderly with medications as well as equipment for better quality of life. Those afflicted with Alzheimers, Dementia or any mental or physical disability of any age will be eligible to receive assistance if funding is available. The outreach program also strives to assist small businesses with funding to help expand the small business. Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. believes that if funding is put back in the community through small businesses, this will in turn assist the small business in growing, providing employment within the community, helping the community to thrive. Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. also strives to provide scholarships to individuals attending a trade school or 2 year community college in the community. Individuals must be at a disadvantage. Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. also strives to provide spiritual enrichment. The outreach/ministry currently has a weekly bible study broadcast on The Now Network every Thursday evening at 9pm Eastern.

Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. has three (3) board members.
Cindy Terry Outreach, Inc. is located in Springdale, Ohio

The Founder, Cindy Terry saw the needs of individuals in her profession, working as a nurse and started the outreach/ministry.