
Founded in 2013, CityByApp® Inc. is a private company that serves municipalities and businesses with affordable cutting-edge mobile app development, marketing and advertising. For municipalities we offer a convenient “one-stop” hyper local access point for residents, visitors, businesses, government, and community organizations to obtain and share information about things to do, places to visit, community programs, jobs, promotional offers, news, weather, live traffic, Wi-Fi hot spots, emergency preparedness information, real estate and much more.

We design our CityByApp mobile Apps to be a family-friendly safe space that can help contribute to and support strong and vibrant communities. Our  +4 rating means there is no objectionable material in the App (think of it like a G-rated movie).

Community residents and visitors love CityByApp because our mobile Apps are FREE to download and allows them access to what’s happening in the community instantly from their iPhone, iPad, Android or HTML-5 mobile device.

Business owners, regardless of size, love CityByApp because they can showcase their business, events, videos, social media pages, coupons, mobile app, and expand their market exposure all for a nominal monthly or discounted annual fee. Local businesses may also claim one of four annual home-screen banner sponsorships available in each city. Plus, CityByApp offers a community development credit to any businesses who purchases a CityByHero.com Directory Business Listing.  CityByApp is the go-to source for all your mobile app development needs.

The Chamber of Commerce loves CityByApp because they can showcase their membership directory, publications, events and maximize their exposure. Plus, the Chamber can participate in the CityByHero shop local program.

Local government leaders love CityByApp because we equip and empower them with the support system they need to promote the City to their growing number of mobile residents and visitors. CityByApp beautifully customizes our existing mobile app development framework to showcase the City. Plus, CityByApp links them to their constituents and keeps them in touch with local issues and developments in the community that can affect their daily lives.

Incident Reports – CityByApp mobile Apps include Incident Reports LITE™.  Citizens can notify the City about Graffiti, Road Damage, Abandoned Vehicles, joining a Neighborhood Watch group and more.  Incident Reports PRO!™, a more comprehensive solution, which provides online access to manage reports, view photos and maps of incident report locations. Note: If your City already has an incident reporting App or online system, we’ll promote and integrate it into your CityByApp mobile App.