About |
CLKWRK Records was founded in early 2016 with one single goal in mind. To bring new, interesting sounds to the world. CLKWRK is more than a just another music label churning out tune after tune of rehashed beats we are all so familiar with. Each release has a specific focus and a specific message that it will be putting out to listeners all over the globe. This isn’t just music, it’s sound meticulously produced by talented individuals that put a little piece of themselves in every single release.
CLKWRK producers use techniques learned from years of production time spent in the studio, which becomes clear after listening to any CLKWRK release. Music is art and we intend to continually put out art that propels thought forward. As a label we want to bring the focus back to what’s really important, the music. Music is a catalyst for change and the world needs change right now more than ever before.
If you’re interested in getting involved with CLKWRK we always have a need for talented individuals. You can drop us a submission via the contact form or just get in touch with us if you have an idea you think would help us further our cause. We are always in need of people willing to help us promote the label in their local areas via sticker bombing, graffiti, or any other form of art. We will be launching an iTunes Podcast shortly as well and any talented DJ creating thoughtful, well crafted mixes would be considered as a featured guest, and possibly an actual artist on the CLKWRK roster.
Although we are just getting off the ground as a label, label founder Travis Safford AKA Depht Lee has years of experience running labels, promoting artists, shows, and a variety of content. He is putting his full weight behind moving CLKWRK forward at the speed of light.
CLKWRK is starting out as a label but in time we believe it can become a movement affecting many individuals in a truly positive way. Affecting change through music is a powerful technique that can lead to a better, more uplifting world we can all benefit from.