
About Myself in Person - A Technical Solutions company based in Pasadena CA, founded in 2017 by Sam Hughes (BSc Hons) in Computer Science with over ten years of experience in use of technologies. Including Scripting and Coding in XHTML, HTML5 and CSS et al. Moved over to the Greater Los Angeles area from Cornwall to pursue a dream to start up a technical solutions company. - Sam Hughes, CEO/MD

Cloud connected makes one big promise to provide your business technical solutions for development of applications including website, software and iOS Apple smart mobile phone app. In the next 3 years we are looking to expand to cover a much broader spectrum of different mobile app development.

Our company keep our prices as low as possible, to provide easier more affordable solutions for small startup businesses without the need to invest thousands into technical services, cheap and affordable to develop.

We have a dedicated team of individuals has over 20+ years of experience combined in development of web/software and iOS applications development.