
COAW is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with health systems, community health centers, hospitals, primary care providers, health departments and community-based organizations across Colorado to provide evidence-based health and wellness leader trainings, community health classes and falls prevention screenings.

COAW’s goal is to train and deliver programs to assist individuals and communities in achieving better health. COAW was founded in 2001 and incorporated as a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization.

COAW partners statewide with Primary Care Practices to deliver evidenced-based programs to their patients. Curriculums include the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program, Stanford’s self-management programs addressing chronic conditions, diabetes, chronic pain and cancer survivors, as well as national Falls Prevention curriculums. These programs assist the practice in providing patient self-management support within the PCMH model.

COAW offers Workshop Wizard software as a service, an affordable data management system that allows users to easily track data from workshops, classes and training.  Users can customize and prepare your de-identified participant reports for importing or printing, track referrals and prepare referral reports. Users also have the ability to import data from the NCOA website into your Workshop Wizard (with NCOA approval). Software as a service means no license to maintain, just log on and go. For customized pricing for your organization, a guided tour or technical specifications, contact Lynnzy McIntosh at lynnzy@coaw.org or call 888-900-2629.