
Colaimages.com is a stock photography archive specializing in licensing the use of digital images of original vintage photographs dating from 1900 to the 1980s. It is a selection of unique old images that document the history of the 20th Century, through its characteristics fashion, trends, icons, lifestyles, technology, social, economic, and political events. The archive focuses in familiar snapshots of the 1900, being the first stock photo agency in this niche.
The web pages are organized in different paths, dividing images in categories and thematic galleries. This may be inspiring if you are still looking around for an idea to implement your graphic project. If you already know what you want, then you can search with keywords and use filters, such as the "decade selection". Two versions of the same photo are available: an original one, and a retouched one.
The goal is to offer a comprehensive quality choice of images from the past, and to help you in making your choice. We market images documenting facts, good for historians to illustrate the recent past; however, whether you need an image to illustrate your editorial project or need it for an alternative creative purpose, vintage photos make the difference.