About |
The Center for College to Career Success is a global academic platform that provides professional development for emerging leaders.
To close the gap between college-to-work readiness by improving the ability of college students to access professional employment opportunities while meeting the demands of the modern workforce.
The Center for College to Career Success (CCCS) provides research, professional development, and marketing services to give college students and college-bound teens opportunities to access personal and professional training tailored to their career choices.
•Research & Consulting: Conduct research and development programs to inform course design, identify current staff training needs, and develop programs for academic professionals.
•Student Professional Development Training: Provide college students with customized work-readiness training, professional development, and industry sponsorship to increase job retention. Mastering Entrepreneurial Culture: Preparing Young Adults to be Competitive in Business and the Workplace™ is a training of CCCS.
•Academic & Career Coaching: Deliver one-on-one academic coaching to improve college retention and career alignment with the desired career choice.
•College Fairs: Provide one-day training events to connect students with industry professionals and career opportunities. Own Your Imprint™ is a program of CCCS.
LCN Enterprise, a well-known brand in student career development, launched CCCS in 2018 to meet the need for customized and student-informed research and development to help institutions improve the design of student-centered career management programs and provide student professional development to close the gap between college and career readiness.
Contact Ms. Lequita Brooks: 904-701-7998
Email: msbrooks@CenterForCollegeToCareer.com