About |
How CFTB Came to be
Connect for the best is the brain child of a 30+ year hospitality veteran, Margaret Readings. Having experience from room attendant to hotel general manager all the way to a corporate position, few know the ins and outs of hospitality quite like Margaret.
In all her years in management, Margaret knows one thing to be true; the best workers do the best job when they’re happy. And happy workers are those with the hours and a schedule that suits their needs.
As hotels and tourism are continually challenged by events like SARS and the rising Canadian dollar, managers across the city are forced to cut expenses. Staff see their hours diminish. Managers have their best workers leave for jobs that guaranty them more work. And when busy periods do occur, hotels are short staffed, relying on temp agencies to fill the void that their best workers left.
The results are always the same. Temporary staff with unrelated experience and not enough training to do the job they are hired for. While across the city, experienced hospitality workers go without enough hours, waiting for their own hotel to pick up.
That’s where Connect For The Best comes in. Two years in the making, CFTB is changing the way employees find hospitality jobs. CFTB is all about putting qualified hospitality workers in touch with hospitality jobs across Toronto and the GTA.
This is NOT a Temp Agency
Having used temp agencies as a manager, Margaret found first hand, that they were deeply flawed. The staff lacked experience and the hourly costs associated with agencies were never justifiable. Connect For The Best is challenging the way temporary workers find jobs in hospitality.
When hiring from agencies, Margaret found the staff, while eager to do a good job, simply lacked the experience required to excel. During busy periods, managers with their hands full, found the training needed for temporary staff unfeasible and a drain on resources. It was unfair to expect the best from them but the best is what keeps the client happiest.
Due to the pay structure of temp agencies, more experienced staff shy away from them, knowing they make a fraction of industry standard wages. Anyone who’s worked for an agency will tell you, as much as 50% of what they earn, they’ll never see.
Unfortunately, the scenario isn’t better for managers either. Though agency workers make less than industry standard, companies are charged a large sum more to employ the same workers who are inexperienced, exhausting already tight budgets.
With the utmost respect for the workers and managers on Connect For The Best, we challenge the notion that temporary jobs are for the underpaid and inexperienced. We stand behind the jobs and workers on this site and strive to offer qualified workers who are available for fair wage jobs.
CFTB for Workers
It’s simple. Once you’ve registered we’ll check your references and approve your profile, allowing you to access jobs that you are qualified for. Then you can log in and search for the jobs that fit your schedule. Click here to register.
Career Resources
We’re behind you every step of the way. Follow our blog and Facebook Page for tips on how to make your profile the most appealing to employers and connect with other people working in hospitality.
CFTB for Managers
We get it. We know that as a hospitality manager you’re struggling to balance budgets, supervise staff and keep clients happy. And we’re in your corner.
Sign up with CFTB for a low monthly fee, and post as many jobs as you like as often as you like. Search profiles and find the best employee for the job, and feel confident that they’ll do the job well. Click here to register.
Stay in Touch
Keep up to date on all things CFTB through our blog and Facebook page. See other employers who are using the site and connect with more hospitality workers.