
CONNECTOR73 it’s – unique suite of solutions for communications between companies and customers. With CONNECTOR73 services, you get secure and reliable, enterprise-class service without the enterprise-class cost. We put everything in the cloud, so there is less to manage, and it is “future proof” with additional features and functionality immediately available as developed. No newer phone system every five to seven years. This could be the last phone system you’ll ever need!

CONNECTOR73 based on Zultys MX platform, adopted and used with many companies at US market.

Inside CONNECTOR73 we are ready to supply solutions from simple - for a few employees and simple rules how to receive calls from customers, to very complex – that includes automatic customer service system and the implementation of calls processing center. Every service configuration will be tailored to resolve each customer’s needs. One of the main features of the service is included high level technical support - customer must think just about his business, we will do all works from technical side of communications for him.