
Covalida helps online retailers increase conversion rates while empowering consumers to make more educated shopping decisions.

For too long, the internet has been awash with confusing marketing claims. Websites tell consumers their product will burn away fat, that their business is the top ranked, and so on. There’s no simple way for consumers to sort out what’s true from what’s false. A google search on the topic just pulls up even more suspect marketing claims.

What’s more, businesses looking to increase trust and conversion rates on their ecommerce sites have few options when it comes to earning third party validation -- and consumer trust!

Enter Covalida. Our third-party information services augment marketing claims with the latest curated, authoritative and peer-reviewed research. Our trusted Check The Facts mark signals to consumers that reliable information related to marketing claims is instantly available. With a click on the Covalida symbol, a lightbox opens displaying trusted research regarding the website’s marketing claims.

The result? Increased consumer confidence, better shopping decisions, and conversions in your cart!