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A perfect system for the forgetful many. Automatically send gifts or a card to whoever you want on any holiday or significant date. Simply set a budget and pick a date and we'll send a gift on your behalf. Two weeks before the date, we'll send you a few choices to pick from, but we'll do all the heavy lifting. From picking the gift to shipping it, we'll do it all. We'll even create a customized card for your recipient. Personalize it as much as you want!
Based off a description you provide, our team will find the perfect gift within your budget. We'll order it for you and ship it out to your recipient right before or on the day of the date you choose. It's a great way to ensure that all those important to you get covered on significant dates like birthdays and holidays.
For businesses, coveredcalendar.com can save you money by handling your mailing needs. Stop sending e-mails that don't even get read. Send physical greeting cards on birthdays and holidays for a low cost. Add your logo, address, telephone and email all while showing your clients or patients how much they mean to you. If you do this on your own already, stop wasting time stuffing envelopes on your own and spend more time focusing on your business!