
Create Birmingham's mission fields are the creative industries and the education pipelines that support them.

Our organization was originally established in 2004 as the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham, based on a recommendation of the Cultural Master Plan for the Greater Birmingham Region, a comprehensive document addressing cultural needs and recommended strategies to address those needs.

By 2013, the creative landscape in Birmingham and the region looked very different than in 2003, and so we embarked on a new initiative to define, quantify and map a growth plan for Birmingham’s creative industries, the sum of both commercial and nonprofit creative work in the community.

Quite unintentionally, that process and the resulting document, Stoking Innovation in the Magic City: Birmingham’s Creative Industries, redefined our agency mission and, consequently, our name, re-focused our services, and, most importantly, created a natural bridge between our ongoing work around K-12 classroom strategies and our new efforts in workforce development and job creation.

Create Birmingham provides a support network for businesses or nonprofits in Birmingham, Alabama, by connecting financial, professional and personal development opportunities, along with vital resources that build community online and on the ground.