
The Shielded Circle is an interactive program which provides unparalleled protection from banks, credit card companies, bill collectors, and other civil law suits.  You are freed to get on with your life as you no longer need to worry about your credit card bills and creditors, whose control over you is taken away.

This comprehensive program took over five (5) years to develop, is being improved regularly; and works.  Your “Shielded Circle” of protection, development, and personal growth consists of  separate modules or phases.  Each phase has particular benefits to assist and protect you

Complete asset protection, a privacy and response module, financial education, creditor deterrence, total credit restoration and complete legal protection from lawsuits are just a few of the included services.

An optional program providing new credit cards with an approximate $20,000 credit limit within 30 to 60 days and also provided

The cost of this modular program is less than the amount of interest paid in one year on a $20,000 in credit card debt 28% interest in it covers any amount of debt in any number of credit cards you may have

In addition to family members enrolled atsubstantial discount prices, your business can also be put into the program just like any family member.

The complete program offers you the ability the debt free in 12 to 18 months or less depending on your particular financial situation.