
Crisis Solutions provides services to improve an organisation’s communications and management skills in the event of a crisis. These range from scenario-based workshops and desktop exercises, to full crisis simulations, where a virtual world is created giving participants the feel of a real crisis. The experienced team helps companies test their readiness for incidents ranging from terrorist attacks to severe weather.

Working with senior management and communications professionals, the Crisis Communications team ensure clients deliver a consistent approach to crisis communications messaging and delivery, to effectively manage brand reputation and operational resilience. Using the “DARE” approach of Detect, Activate, Respond and Evaluate, Crisis Solutions ensures its clients are ready to effectively impliment their plan, make informed decisions and deal with incoming information during a crisis situation.

The company works with top European and FTSE 500 organisations across a wide range of sectors including financial services, retail and energy. They advise central government and also wrote the definitive books ‘Communication Strategies’ and ‘Exercising for Excellence’ in conjunction with the BSI.