
The new online investment market is fundamentally different and requires new underlying infrastructure with back office and social components. Our aim is to provide the infrastructure for this new, democratic financial market and for those looking to create more effective and transparent financial models.

Our view is that we should all be allowed to support companies and people we believe in, early on when it matters most. The financial investment market needs to embrace the global trends towards greater democracy and direct participation – ordinary people should be able to make investments they choose, as long as the right framework is in place. Therefore, the crowd also calls for solid infrastructure provided by a credible player with a long-term position in this market.

We’ve built the Crowd Valley platform for creating your secure marketplace or investor network and running it effectively with our powerful tools. Connect and partner with other communities and build ecosystems locally and all over the world. We also offer APIs and other tools to connect to our framework. Read more.

Crowd Valley is part of the Grow VC Group.