About |
Unleashed Elite Coaching was founded by inspirational CEO Crystal Bean with the mission to empower people to unlock their highest potential through deeply transformative personal growth work. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, sought-after speaker and coach, and mental health philanthropist, Crystal created the company and signature Unleash Your Inner Warrior journal series from her own healing journey out of trauma, lack of self-worth and direction to emerge an uplifting visionary leader guiding others to fearlessly live out their boldest dreams.
With mental health struggles and lack of purpose reaching crisis levels globally, Crystal recognized the great need for accessible, actionable resources to cultivate emotional resilience, inner wisdom and strength to overcome adversity and step powerfully into meaningful, fulfilling lives on our own terms.
The Unleash Your Inner Warrior journals meet this vital need through an interactive 30-day experience taking readers on an epic yet introspective hero’s adventure within. Each beautifully designed, gender-respective journal features daily writing prompts with thought-provoking questions, inspirational quotes, empowering affirmations and motivational challenges. These soulful touchpoints awaken radical self-honesty, compassionate self-discovery and courageous vision-setting to transform struggle into power.
The women’s journal, Unleash Your Inner Warrior: A 30-Day Self Love and Confidence Journal, speaks intimately to the pressures, wounds and dreams women carry. Through exploring topics like perfectionism, people-pleasing, suppressing one’s voice and hiding gifts out of fear, women grow to embrace all that makes them irresistibly unique. They gain tools to set empowered boundaries, overcome toxic patterns and irrational inner critics to unlock fading gifts and passions with bold new vision. Sisterhood and support shine through every page so no woman feels alone on the journey within.
Meanwhile, the men’s offering, Unleash Your Inner Warrior: For Men - A 30-Day Self Excellence and Leadership Journal, acknowledges the exhaustion good men feel trying to uphold restrictive masculine ideals of unwavering strength, stoicism and going it alone. By exploring themes of purpose, responsibility, courage, leadership, honour and legacy building, men awaken their natural protector energy without losing emotional connectedness and vulnerability. They journey courageously through guilt, shame, destructive behaviours and limiting beliefs to reconnect with their mighty convictions and passions with an empowered vision for living and leading.
While powerfully transformative on their own, the journals come alive fully within the Unleashed Elite Coaching ecosystem Crystal created on social media and through her speaking/coaching practice. Readers amplify inspiration and accountability joining the Unleashed Elite online community with the hashtag #unleashedelitewarrior. They gain access to free trainings and programs on core topics like mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, mental health, mindset, manifestation and more to actualize the grown awareness and vision seeded in the journals. Crystal further spotlights these embodied transformations within her speaking engagements and coaching programs.
For those seeking deeper 1:1 support, Crystal offers private coaching amplifying key journal insights personalized to one’s unique needs and aspirations. Her signature coaching frameworks - the Confidence Curriculum, Courageous Visioning and BOLD Blueprint design - help clients build momentum towards passion projects, career pivots, relationship breakthroughs, lifestyle design upgrades and greater balance, joy and fulfilment across all facets of life. Crystal has further coaching packages for teen girls and high-level entrepreneurs alike.
All Unleashed Elite Coaching offerings uphold the core value of making personal development as accessible and achievable as possible for maximum positive impact. The Unleash Your Inner Warrior Journals retail affordably between $9.99-$19.99 so anyone may benefit. Crystal reinvests profits into donations supporting vital mental health charities and her signature Unleashed Scholarship Fund helping marginalized youth actualize their untapped potential through coaching, mentorship and more.
At its heart, all Crystal creates through Unleashed Elite Coaching speaks to the yearning in so many of us to unleash our inner wisdom, resilience, creativity and power in service of living life boldly on our own terms versus restrictive norms and narratives that hold us back from shining fully. Through courageous self-work that awakens radical compassion towards our deepest fears and dreams alike, we open space for our most soulfully aligned lives to unfold one courageous step after another.